LondonQS Meetup Group analysis

22 meetings with 2297 rsvps and 895 unique members rvsp'ed

##       no      yes waitlist 
##      574     1671       52
## geom_smooth: method="auto" and size of largest group is <1000, so using loess. Use 'method = x' to change the smoothing method.
## Warning: Removed 1 rows containing missing values (stat_smooth).
## Warning: Removed 1 rows containing missing values (geom_path).
## Warning: Removed 1 rows containing missing values (geom_point).

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-2

## geom_smooth: method="auto" and size of largest group is <1000, so using loess. Use 'method = x' to change the smoothing method.
## Warning: Removed 1 rows containing missing values (stat_smooth).
## Warning: Removed 1 rows containing missing values (geom_path).
## Warning: Removed 1 rows containing missing values (geom_point).

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-2

how fast does it get full: time elapsed until all spots are taken

## geom_smooth: method="auto" and size of largest group is <1000, so using loess. Use 'method = x' to change the smoothing method.

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-4 plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-4

What time and day the organiser is most likely to create a new event?

most likely days of the week

## Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat 
##   3   6   2   8   2   1   0

most likely hours of the day

##    Min. 1st Qu.  Median    Mean 3rd Qu.    Max. 
##     0.4    13.0    16.3    16.3    20.6    23.9

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-6

what time and day members usually rsvp

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-7 plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-7 plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-7

how many members switched rsvp from yes to no

##      Group.1  x
## 1   14234398  1
## 2   15558830  4
## 3   16473547  3
## 4   17113159  5
## 5   19381481  4
## 6   23168131  8
## 7   31679352 14
## 8   37674862 12
## 9   45160212 17
## 10  55494922 21
## 11  60967692  6
## 12  68812532 13
## 13  74604062 27
## 14  80686002 32
## 15  89457892 29
## 16 100553692 33
## 17 109112522 37
## 18 123130112 24
## 19 128375832 38
## 20 133546932 34
## 21 140482522 36
## 22 144136852  7

how close to the event

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-9 plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-9

Are you on the waiting list? That is how close you are to make it

on average 18 members pull out just hours before LondonQS events.
Do not despair, there are 5 members currently on the “yes” list who previously canceled multiple times within 6 hours of the event.
That is the waiting list in priority order, at the time that report was built 52 members are waiting:

## 2293       Melanie Pinet
## 1850            Danielle
## 2287       Pyry Helkkula
## 212          Rory Arneil
## 1095 Kumaran Veluppillai
## 2138        Alec Muffett
## 2267       Cassie Werber
## 1105        Stephen Dunn
## 2268     David Greenwood
## 237         Blaine Price
## 2294          Daniel Roy
## 2269      Tracey Lee-Joe
## 2295     Charlotte Flint
## 2296     Karl Tryggvason
## 1967               Eddie
## 1065      Matthew Belous
## 160          Steve Souza
## 2220      Anish Mohammed
## 2284          Jim Hanmer
## 394     Andrea Casalotti
## 1568             Leon v.
## 2196       Mark Dennison
## 520                  Tom
## 1322              Nick G
## 1029            Giovanna
## 2016            chi hong
## 2260           Linda Tan
## 2013   Johannes Länström
## 2222          Ifty Ahmed
## 2272         Michal Ugor
## 2280       Alex Clifford
## 2290              Casper
## 2279  Stylianos Kampakis
## 2297         Sorcha Daly
## 2265     Scarlett Wrench
## 2283       Deepak Bhatia
## 2273       Melissa Clark
## 2146         Jason Bates
## 2217         Simon Gibbs
## 491         Mark Goodman
## 1843         Peter Arato
## 2258           John-Paul
## 2288           Danai Pap
## 2281       Samuel Olsson
## 2275       Jack Cheetham
## 2191         Joanna Gray
## 1652                 Mag
## 1546         Chris Lewis
## 2274     Anthony Barrett
## 2277         Saul Wiggin
## 2282             Ski Jur

categories groups and topics

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-11

distribution of categories subscribed across events (100% = all events)

##                          topcat[order(topcat$pctaverage, decreasing = TRUE), ]
## tech                                                                 54.276967
## career/business                                                      17.363036
## education/learning                                                   11.283534
## socializing                                                           2.542686
## health/wellbeing                                                      2.244888
## outdoors/adventure                                                    1.401365
## movies/film                                                           1.368367
## language/ethnic identity                                              1.017632
## food/drink                                                            0.859629
## music                                                                 0.731236
## fine arts/culture                                                     0.707372
## community/environment                                                 0.689560
## new age/spirituality                                                  0.665591
## photography                                                           0.661399
## literature/writing                                                    0.623787
## games                                                                 0.594454
## movements/politics                                                    0.567528
## singles                                                               0.541162
## sports/recreation                                                     0.478602
## fitness                                                               0.326396
## parents/family                                                        0.213894
## alternative lifestyle                                                 0.158868
## religion/beliefs                                                      0.140416
## sci-fi/fantasy                                                        0.130411
## LGBT                                                                  0.067072
## fashion/beauty                                                        0.062607
## support                                                               0.061040
## women                                                                 0.057810
## dancing                                                               0.053390
## hobbies/crafts                                                        0.046651
## cars/motorcycles                                                      0.030056
## pets/animals                                                          0.024400
## paranormal                                                            0.008192

top 50 groups subscribed by members of LondonQS:

##                                                  Var1 Freq
## 1958          The London Quantified Self Meetup Group  800
## 709                                          HNLondon  125
## 779                         Internet of Things London  120
## 1241                                          MiniBar   98
## 408                               Data Science London   87
## 209                                   Big Data London   86
## 1114                        London Silicon Roundabout   86
## 1072                         London OpenCoffee Meetup   71
## 995                                  London Futurists   70
## 1599                               Silicon Roundabout   68
## 847                               Lean Startup London   66
## 454                         District Health (iBehave)   65
## 688                                 Health 2.0 London   60
## 1449                                      ProductTank   60
## 412                         Data Visualization London   54
## 508                           Entrepreneurs In London   49
## 1176                                       London Web   48
## 97      AppsJunction-Developers, Clients, Apps, Ideas   46
## 666                              Hacks/Hackers London   40
## 883                                           Londata   37
## 203                                   Big Data Debate   36
## 771                          Interesting Talks London   35
## 874                         LionsCage Startups London   34
## 515  Events, Networking and Startups @ TechHub London   33
## 1888              The London Android Group - Londroid   33
## 2132                          UX Café (for startups!)   33
## 13                                 3D printing London   30
## 213                                     Big Data Week   30
## 625                                       Glug London   29
## 1048                   London Machine Learning Meetup   29
## 553                                       Flagons Den   28
## 401                                Data Driven London   26
## 403                                       DataKind UK   26
## 1418                                       PHP London   26
## 238                                           Bootlaw   25
## 335                                   Cleanweb London   25
## 1287                                       NewFinance   25
## 669                             Hadoop Users Group UK   24
## 1169                               London UX Bookclub   23
## 1354                Online Marketing Network - London   23
## 1492                               Quantified Society   23
## 47                                    Agile UX Meetup   22
## 465                           Drinks & Links - London   22
## 656                            Hackathons and Jams UK   22
## 1600                   Silicon Roundabout Social Club   22
## 1799        The Bay Area Quantified Self Meetup Group   22
## 1957                   The London Python Group - TLPG   22
## 606                                    geekpub London   21
## 1090                                          LondonR   21
## 1142                                  London Startups   21

top 50 topics subscribed by members of LondonQS:

##                                  Var1 Freq
## 1125                          newtech  330
## 1318                  quantified-self  255
## 1588                       technology  246
## 1067                mobile-technology  205
## 533                  entrepreneurship  186
## 1542                 startup-ventures  182
## 146                          big-data  170
## 1536               startup-businesses  168
## 400                    data-analytics  156
## 408                data-visualization  121
## 1537            startup-enterprenuers  118
## 1716                     web-startups  118
## 1594              technology-startups  115
## 1702                  web-development  107
## 290                 cognitive-science  105
## 1164                       opensource  100
## 1499                      softwaredev   97
## 1700                        webdesign   97
## 531                      entrepreneur   96
## 1298                      programming   92
## 1061               mobile-development   86
## 1693                              web   82
## 1116                     neuroscience   79
## 407                      data-science   77
## 598                           fitness   77
## 978                            london   77
## 496                            edtech   73
## 998                  machine-learning   71
## 1273             predictive-analytics   68
## 406                       data-mining   64
## 93                                art   62
## 1382                          science   62
## 1630                           travel   60
## 208  business-entrepreneur-networking   58
## 1155                 online-marketing   55
## 928                      lean-startup   52
## 35                                 ai   51
## 1656                  user-experience   51
## 816                        innovation   49
## 968                         livemusic   46
## 1685                          walkers   45
## 836                       internetpro   44
## 1186                         outdoors   44
## 1540                         startups   44
## 449                         diningout   40
## 1482                     social-media   40
## 274                   cloud-computing   37
## 731             healthcare-innovation   37
## 821           intellectual-discussion   37
## 218                   businessnetwork   36


top 50 members with most rsvp to this group:

##                                 Name rsvp
## 18                  Adriana 11576125   22
## 168       Colin Z. Robertson 8393886   21
## 167          Colin Hayhurst 11431282   19
## 224            Demian Turner 3471192   19
## 335            Ian Clements 14128848   19
## 422             Jon Cousins 12512491   19
## 690                 Quentin 21309861   18
## 110            Blaine Price 13691584   17
## 805              Steve Souza 9725141   17
## 70       Andy Roberts DARnet 2082097   16
## 407               johndodds 10068292   15
## 435          J. Paul Neeley 13752321   15
## 468              Ken Snyder 14395607   15
## 276          Fergal McGrath 16640391   14
## 862                Ulrich A 14317503   14
## 629               Nick Smith 7888330   13
## 737             Rory Arneil 13297664   13
## 175            Damian Helme 14588455   12
## 199            Dave Nattriss 2438484   12
## 695                     Rain 5455027   12
## 727         Rodrigo Dauster 12177976   12
## 55          Andrea Casalotti 8954490   11
## 201                   David 29605772   11
## 205        David Bellisario 13948597   11
## 566             Matt Dobson 24966952   11
## 649              Omar Malik 16672291   11
## 880 Volodymyr Skladanivskyy 14402615   11
## 12              Adam Chainz 25996082   10
## 78               Anne Prahl 60338682   10
## 148               Che Nomad 40841962   10
## 228          Didier Clement 50325392    9
## 270        Farzana Dudhwala 28522892    9
## 515           Luke Smallman 14186983    9
## 569                 Matthew 64377572    9
## 618           Neil Bachelor 14329783    9
## 631              Nic Marks  34165062    9
## 45             Alex Walters 71187112    8
## 138          Caspar Addyman 15619281    8
## 152             Chris Ellis 14484974    8
## 322                harscoat 11208916    8
## 372          Jamie Aspinall 20324931    8
## 389        Jeremy Chatfield 49052492    8
## 401           joe mcfarland 65844422    8
## 475        Klaus Bravenboer 14117598    8
## 524        Malcolm Simmonds 10447582    8
## 579             Max Drawdown 9574981    8
## 594           Michael Ulman 10849811    8
## 838                     Tom 14331422    8
## 24        Alan Morton-Smith 11519491    7
## 52             Amjad Rashid 66696022    7