Data-Science-London Meetup Group analysis

25 meetings with 5956 rsvps and 1688 unique members rvsp'ed

##      yes       no waitlist 
##     3353     1656      947
## geom_smooth: method="auto" and size of largest group is <1000, so using loess. Use 'method = x' to change the smoothing method.
## Warning: Removed 1 rows containing missing values (stat_smooth).
## Warning: Removed 1 rows containing missing values (geom_point).

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-2

## Warning: Removed 1 rows containing missing values (geom_point).

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-2

how fast does it get full: time elapsed until all spots are taken

## geom_smooth: method="auto" and size of largest group is <1000, so using loess. Use 'method = x' to change the smoothing method.

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-4 plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-4

What time and day the organiser is most likely to create a new event?

most likely days of the week

## Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat 
##   0   2   4   3   8   6   2

most likely hours of the day

##    Min. 1st Qu.  Median    Mean 3rd Qu.    Max. 
##    8.18   11.70   12.20   12.30   12.70   18.80

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-6

what time and day members usually rsvp

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-7 plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-7 plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-7

how many members switched rsvp from yes to no

##      Group.1   x
## 1   49971752  20
## 2   53617212  41
## 3   56591432  62
## 4   55493252  30
## 5   63392952  27
## 6   61895682  30
## 7   70252792  11
## 8   78673902  27
## 9   81694052  41
## 10  83256112  33
## 11  85448442  49
## 12  92157112  40
## 13  97658192  48
## 14 102480852  73
## 15 104579252  72
## 16 105840372  75
## 17 109215082 101
## 18 110144682  23
## 19 113444782 160
## 20 109571332 135
## 21 123032212  99
## 22 131120972  43
## 23 139205302  91
## 24 141070122  47
## 25 144852862  21

how close to the event

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-9 plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-9

Are you on the waiting list? That is how close you are to make it

on average 55 members pull out just hours before Data-Science-London events.
Do not despair, there are 41 members currently on the “yes” list who previously canceled multiple times within 6 hours of the event.
That is the waiting list in priority order, at the time that report was built 198 members are waiting:

## 5433                   Andy B
## 5374            Thiago Galery
## 5656                     Raza
## 5842              Chris Gojlo
## 5864              André Louçã
## 5518                   thasan
## 5716          Richard Hopkirk
## 5180                Sam Mbale
## 5950            Mike Shepherd
## 5010                Kannappan
## 5173              Páidí Creed
## 5347         Dmytro Karamshuk
## 5905              Vickrum Loi
## 5667              John Abbott
## 5280            Paul Katsande
## 5295               Geoff Hogg
## 5941           Changtao Zhong
## 5940                  Vanessa
## 5471              Ben Godfrey
## 5405            Sanjeev Gupta
## 5913             Mark Needham
## 5354                   Soraya
## 5792              Will Koning
## 5022              Tim Johnson
## 5826             Nick Hawkins
## 5561              Jahan Zahid
## 5639                     Roco
## 5847                Joe Smart
## 5898                   Ashwin
## 5634             Sergio Gómez
## 5626                Bernadeta
## 5301              Nasir Jamal
## 5605               Dan Murphy
## 5290               Ellimilial
## 5875               Noelle Sio
## 5391            Diari Shareef
## 5923              Sarah Keane
## 5262             Javier Lopez
## 5658               Robin East
## 5724         Oleg Konovalenko
## 5402        Ghislain Vaillant
## 5458        Marcelo Hernandez
## 5042            Nicola Hughes
## 5388           Amitabh Shukla
## 5177              John Powell
## 5207               andy twigg
## 5476                   Indira
## 5880              Adam Ashton
## 5730          Stephen Simpson
## 5825           Shrividya Ravi
## 5657     Ole Schulz-Trieglaff
## 5645          Stewart Douglas
## 5583         Dominic Steinitz
## 5414         Vignesh Manickam
## 5662          Jackie Steinitz
## 5737               Jack Tchan
## 5906          William Beaufoy
## 5578                   Alex W
## 5318                Maud Picq
## 5115           Anish Mohammed
## 5344            JUNIOR SAYLES
## 5904                 mar00ned
## 5444              Dan Midwood
## 5900 Francesco Emanuele Bucci
## 5242                 hobart65
## 5633            James Withers
## 5914                  Quentin
## 5171            Brendan Moran
## 5102              Imran Ghory
## 5140               Aalee Syed
## 5314             Tariq Rashid
## 5064              Dhruv Haria
## 5868          Murphy Campbell
## 5799        Mohammed Hassouna
## 5267             James Siddle
## 5642                  Tim Lum
## 5424              Nitin Patel
## 5943      Harry Arjun Hassard
## 5872                    Pedro
## 5359               Nick Scott
## 5443             sahera kadim
## 5373              JC Campagne
## 5566                   Ko, Ta
## 5915           Izidor Matušov
## 5928      Federico Roman Demo
## 5256                        T
## 5945             Susana Lopes
## 5862            ransome mpini
## 5360            Stephanie Pau
## 5345               Raja Kolli
## 5929                   Ranjit
## 5164                    Peter
## 5675               Jan Stette
## 5181                    zheng
## 5884          Gregory Goltsov
## 5863           Attila Sztupak
## 5117           Jairam Chandar
## 5948          Ben Chamberlain
## 5892                  Catalin
## 5309            Szymon Wartak
## 5545        Mohsen Mesgarpour
## 5893           Matthew Gwynne
## 5704              Paul Marrow
## 5918       Seraphina Anderson
## 5600          James Churchman
## 5562             Mike Seville
## 5938                  Roopesh
## 5909                   Faisal
## 5952           Richard Vilton
## 5931           Manoj Nathwani
## 5942            Vlad Kolesnyk
## 5901                  Anahita
## 5060         Giovanni Montana
## 5953         Gurminder Khamba
## 5911              Adi Ben-Ari
## 5420                 yan jiao
## 5924         Aaron Perlmutter
## 5061             Henry Garner
## 5189           Jamie Aspinall
## 5641                   Adrian
## 5481                    Fatos
## 5927                     Fran
## 5946          Alberto Polleri
## 5954              John Taylor
## 5939                   Javier
## 5865                      Lui
## 5919                   felbus
## 5836             Joe Wangendo
## 5783                   Moreno
## 5456        Russell Phillippe
## 5352              Avery Riley
## 5936               Conrad Lee
## 5618        Richard Warburton
## 5934                   Madhur
## 5949          Facundo Bellosi
## 5917                     Niko
## 5534        Florian Rathgeber
## 5922                    Mateo
## 5907          Alexei Poliakov
## 5866         Patrick Edlinger
## 5897         dmitri adriaanse
## 5899               Carl Ellis
## 5912                 Vladimir
## 5196                  Filippo
## 5944         Ashish Sen Gupta
## 5947                derek liu
## 5282                   Jia Li
## 5882               Ricki Long
## 5226   Matt Bennett-Blacklock
## 5956            Victor Haydin
## 5820           Alex McKitrick
## 5834         Maciek Biskupiak
## 5749        Peter Kosztolanyi
## 5707         Jonathan Gillham
## 5889                Christian
## 5832          Mustafa Somalya
## 5951             Yeqing Zhang
## 5048                    Dogan
## 5810               Ian Rogers
## 5902           Alex Ioannides
## 5751         Gianni Pischedda
## 5877              John Vlahos
## 5933     Alex Wollenschlaeger
## 5152                    simon
## 5489  Volodymyr Skladanivskyy
## 5464            Patrick Zhang
## 5655            Simon Hammond
## 5733            Dylan Lentini
## 5237            Chandan Rajah
## 5259                Mark Levy
## 5228            Steve Poulson
## 5687                     carl
## 5611    "Ahmed" Anwar Hossain
## 5746                     Nick
## 5508                     Will
## 5614                   Lyndon
## 5932            Max Kołodziej
## 5937            David Bieber 
## 5659               abhaybagai
## 5908              Bence Kodaj
## 5816              Hari Sekhon
## 5069      Mike Merritt-holmes
## 5935         Alexandre Dalyac
## 5920            Ross Rochford
## 5311                     Vaij
## 5930              Sergiu Dima
## 5925              Ege Akpinar
## 5690          muhamad hussain
## 5916                     Sukh
## 5921             Asher Wesley
## 5926               Zahir Abdi
## 5852                      Tom
## 5955               Tongbin Su
## 5331                      Nik
## 5903            rezakhorshidi
## 5660            David Abelman
## 5910    santhakumar rajasekar
## 5163         Stanley Braganza

groups and topics

top 50 members with most rsvp to this group:

##                                Name rsvp
## 250               Bob Kemp 33423982   24
## 273                 Carlos 12579414   24
## 111             Amit Nandi 38680722   23
## 1531          Tamas Jambor 32533502   23
## 862               Kannappan 1797906   22
## 167         Anish Mohammed 12569718   21
## 513         Enzo Martoglio 38546232   21
## 1067       Michael Natusch 20593541   21
## 497                  Elena 11795320   20
## 617         Gustavo Guerra 26346292   20
## 319      Christian Prokopp 26507612   19
## 433    Deepak Subhramanian 35662872   19
## 1343            Rob Finean 11558345   19
## 1541       terence freedman 8611548   19
## 1683                 zheng 44517222   19
## 637           Heather Stark 9399384   18
## 930                  louis 41493372   18
## 1201           Páidí Creed 42313182   18
## 135          Andrew Clarke 25328442   17
## 152           Andrew Weeks 39530382   17
## 358            Dane Wright 39114432   17
## 1248         Peter Lindsey 28435312   17
## 2               Aalee Syed 39676622   16
## 532             femi banjo 42104622   16
## 976           Marius Filip 26951422   16
## 1045       Maya Hristakeva 16041111   16
## 1059        Michael Cutler 31405752   16
## 1136        Neri Van Otten 59349212   16
## 1302          Ravi Bandaru 18800441   16
## 1374           Ryadh Khsib 31153292   16
## 1548                Thomas 11701495   16
## 566               Geoff Hogg 445574   15
## 600        Gourav Sengupta 29800182   15
## 748       jedidiah francis 14118985   15
## 753           Jeffrey Siaw 64893412   15
## 960                   Marc 38807332   15
## 964          Marcin Tolysz 20468901   15
## 971                  Marek 38885432   15
## 1290            Raja Kolli 42900792   15
## 1482        Stefano Franco 49548392   15
## 521             Etuka Onono 9367083   14
## 669             Imran Ghory 7011119   14
## 966           Marco Muscat 14150030   14
## 1176           Nisar Tahir 31733232   14
## 1223         Paul Katsande 40059782   14
## 283          Chandan Rajah 45693272   13
## 391           Dave Nattriss 2438484   13
## 451  Dimitris Papadopoulos 47214462   13
## 472          Don Onwunumah 12784168   13
## 489        Edward Kibardin 76172272   13

top 50 groups subscribed by members of Data-Science-London:

##                                                  Var1 Freq
## 622                               Data Science London 1542
## 298                                   Big Data London  624
## 1438                   London Machine Learning Meetup  386
## 1002                            Hadoop Users Group UK  374
## 1035                                         HNLondon  325
## 632                         Data Visualization London  284
## 1253                                          Londata  252
## 1674                                          MiniBar  234
## 309                                     Big Data Week  196
## 1488                                          LondonR  193
## 1518                        London Silicon Roundabout  193
## 448                                  Cassandra London  184
## 1251                      LJC - London Java Community  179
## 1727                        Neo4j - London User Group  174
## 287                                   Big Data Debate  173
## 1451                        London MongoDB User Group  172
## 611                                       DataKind UK  162
## 2190                               Silicon Roundabout  156
## 1504                        London Scala Users' Group  146
## 1111                        Internet of Things London  134
## 1032                                      Hive London  127
## 2644                   The London Python Group - TLPG  124
## 1468                         London OpenCoffee Meetup  120
## 1203                              Lean Startup London  119
## 1893              OpenSource & Agile Community Events  117
## 991                              Hacks/Hackers London  115
## 606                                Data Driven London  112
## 1586                                       London Web  112
## 1994               Predictive Analytics London Meetup  112
## 2356                        Storm - London User Group  104
## 1535          London Software Craftsmanship Community   99
## 297                           Big Data Jobs in London   98
## 2561              The London Android Group - Londroid   93
## 664                                           DevTank   92
## 289                     Big Data Developers in London   91
## 2645          The London Quantified Self Meetup Group   89
## 112     AppsJunction-Developers, Clients, Apps, Ideas   87
## 767                           Entrepreneurs In London   85
## 783  Events, Networking and Startups @ TechHub London   84
## 1740                                       NewFinance   84
## 973                            Hackathons and Jams UK   82
## 1378                                 London Futurists   80
## 1998                                      ProductTank   80
## 1242                        LionsCage Startups London   77
## 91                                  Analytics Network   75
## 646                               DeNormalised London   74
## 2568                          The London Big-O Meetup   74
## 172                                 AWS User Group UK   72
## 293             Big Data Innovation World Meetup Tour   70
## 1308                                 London Code Dojo   70

top 50 topics subscribed by members of Data-Science-London:

##                                  Var1 Freq
## 209                          big-data  968
## 538                    data-analytics  882
## 550                      data-science  785
## 1347                 machine-learning  773
## 548                       data-mining  718
## 555                data-visualization  675
## 1724             predictive-analytics  670
## 1533                          newtech  607
## 1750                      programming  551
## 987                            hadoop  534
## 2155                       technology  522
## 1554                            nosql  487
## 1586                       opensource  478
## 2024                      softwaredev  456
## 2091                 startup-ventures  387
## 51                                 ai  366
## 375                   cloud-computing  355
## 2084               startup-businesses  344
## 2307                  web-development  324
## 1454                mobile-technology  280
## 725                  entrepreneurship  266
## 2327                     web-startups  264
## 1364                        mapreduce  261
## 2292                              web  259
## 2162              technology-startups  249
## 1507      natural-language-processing  242
## 723                      entrepreneur  198
## 1192                             java  195
## 2085            startup-enterprenuers  189
## 2305                        webdesign  189
## 1443               mobile-development  182
## 2094            statistical-computing  178
## 2174                   text-analytics  170
## 1325                           london  169
## 2296                    web-analytics  164
## 862            functional-programming  148
## 1776                           python  141
## 291                    businessintell  127
## 1129                      internetpro  125
## 1195                       javascript  124
## 1572                 online-marketing  115
## 43                              agile  114
## 1261                     lean-startup  113
## 1057                            html5  108
## 2205                           travel  102
## 287  business-entrepreneur-networking   98
## 1025       high-scalability-computing   94
## 1310                        livemusic   94
## 334                         cassandra   93
## 2000                     social-media   93